Good change for the world,
Support for Good Neighbors

Sponsorship is the beginning of precious sharing that changes the future of children.

Child Sponsorship
Grow and change a child
  • Name
  • Country
  • Age / Gender

Through 1: 1 alliance with overseas poverty children,
Education, drinking water, and medical support.

Business Support

  • Child Sponsorship

    Child Sponsorship allows children in need to receive essential tools for a healthy development.

  • Water For Life

    Clean Water is a project designed to build and reconstruct water well that provides clean water for local communities.

  • Health

    Health Project provides basic medical services and improves healthcare facilities.

  • Education

    We support children from underprivileged families to realize their potentials by providing greater access to education, relevant facilities, high-quality educational programs, and qualified teachers.

  • Income Generation

    We work with local partners to empower business capacity of the community by introducing diverse economy initiatives.

  • Food For Kids

    Food For Kids advocates for Child Rights Protection by providing nutritious meals to children.

  • North Korea

    We have been carrying out projects in North Korea, including projects to aidorphans and dairy farming for over 20 years. We provide technical guidance for the self-sufficient production of medicines.

  • Humanitarian Aid

    Disaster Relief is a project designed to serve refugees by implementing projects in refugee camps and communities that provide basic necessities as well as give opportunities for self-sustainabillty

  • Domestic Shelter

    The Good Neighbors shelter will pro-vide a safe haven, certified counselor-case workers, day care for young children, nuritious food and path forward to better life!



Good Neighbors USA

131 North Tustin Ave, #204,Tustin, CA 92780 Tel. 877-499-9898